Saturday, November 24, 2007

Space Case

I go 22 days, posting every damn day. I make a point of it no matter what is going on and how late I may be running. Then comes yesterday. I get up at noon. We put up the tree. We leave for the holiday stroll. We come home, and what happens? I completely space out posting and thusly F up the whole NaBloPoMo thing. DAMN IT!! Oh well, who wants possible prizes anyways? Note the sarcasm.

Things with the family have gotten better. I talked to my mom and she says she knew nothing of the phone call from my sis. So I guess that means that the sister took things a bit more seriously than what she needed to. We are meeting at the local casino for breakfast this AM, and then mom, aunt, and grandma are coming out for a bit afterwards. I still have not spoken with my sister, and don't know when I am going to. I am still afraid that if I talked to her right now, I would blow up and say things that I don't really mean.

So there it is. Have a great weekend all!!



eric said...

Hey Greg - Thanks for adding me to your blogroll. Although I haven't had the time yet to read much here, I really enjoyed your photos from August.

Sorry about the family problems - because of a huge blow-up of an argument, I haven't spoken to my step dad for over a year, and I've seen my brother and sisters once since then, so I know what it's like. Good luck with all that.

Thanks for working on Thanksgiving, too. ;-)

Take care.


Local casino as in TI? Home of the best buffet ever?!

Greg said...

You bet your ass it was TI!! The good was great and the family time was great to.


We love TI! For a treat we stay over, get the buffet and drink ourselves silly. Of course these days I like the buffet better than the bar =) Have you ever eaten there on THursday night when they have CRAB LEGS? HEAVEN! If you like seafood...